Many young Filipinos nowadays are known to be “pasaway” in their nature not just on the way they talk towards their parents, their unhealthy lifestyles especially a lot of unpleasant foods they are all fond of eating every single day. Little did we know that there are actually some Filipino teens who tend to be a little different from their other peers. Just like the  actress  Mona Louise Rey. Her real name is Mona Al-Alawi, a 15-year-old Moroccan -Filipina actress and commercial model. Ivana Alawi is her elder sister who is considered one of the most admired social media celebrities today.

It was just recently when the young and pretty Mona shared on her YouTube channel, Mona Alawi with more than 744,000 subscribers the foods she eats in a day being a diabetic. On her viral video which already reached a million view, she amazes everyone not just on how healthy her food was every day but the fact that she is disciplined and responsible enough as a young individual to fix her own bed, to do her simple work-out routine, and her ability to cook her food by herself which is very much healthy and proper for her condition.

She revealed on the said video that she loves vegetables, especially the “adobong sitaw” cooked by her beloved mother. She started her day by making her own water infused with lemons and a “Fitbar” before she does her simple work-out routine. After that, she prepares fresh avocados and spread it evenly on a slice of bread and she topped it with a sunny side up egg. She had also prepared her marinated chicken breast for her lunch. She later fried her marinated chicken and baked her veggies which consist of broccoli, bell pepper, and carrots. She also drank a sugar-free soda and she even shared a lot of her favorite tea. She also drinks soya milk even though it doesn’t really taste that sweet, she drinks it for her to be able to poop.

She may have Type 1 diabetes but many of her fans and supporters were very much amazing of her because she doesn’t seem to be burdened by the fact that she is a diabetic for 7 years already! It was really a good thing that she practices healthy living not just because she is diabetic but she really loves doing it for herself.